Professional In-Salon Spray TanCreate a beautiful tan and rejuvenate your skinVersaSpa® PRO Spray Tan System provides a premium spray tanning experience with 3 spray nozzles for even full-body coverage. The open booth provides a warm environment that is comfortably heated, easy, and relaxing experience, resulting in a beautiful tan.
All tanning solutions are infused with marine algae to detoxify, firm, and rejuvenate skin
Breakthrough technology helps eliminate skin-odor
Hydrate and extend your tan with Perfector and Moisturizer options
Gluten Free • Paraben Free • Cruelty Free • Non-Comedogenic 3 Simple Choices to a Beautiful Spray Tan
1. Prepare for a spray tan - add perfector!Perfector is an add-on service that is applied during your spray tan session. Perfector balances your skin's pH level and conditions the skin to counter orange undertone, accelerate development time, and intensifies the tanning results.
pH skin balancer for deeper, darker, and more even tanning results
Noticeable tanning results in as little as two hours
2-4 HoursResults in as little as 2 hours with Perfector!
4-6 HoursResults in about 6 hours without Perfector. 2. Choose Your Tan IntensityFrom a subtle tan to looking like you just came back from a vacation at the islands - the choice is yours!
Level 1 - Light
Level 2 - Medium
Level 3 - Dark
Level 4 - Dark + 3. Lock-In Your Tan - Add Moisturizer!Moisturizer is an add-on option that is applied at the end of the spray tan session, for immediate hydration that will enhance your tan. Moisturizing is key to having a long lasting tan that will not fade too quickly.Don't let your tan fade too soon. Look great up to 5 days later with Moisturizer!